Joan Maria Minguet / Bibiana Puigdefàbregas / Magda Puyo / Marta Rafa

Catalonia. Art and Democracy is a lecture that emerged out of the need to share what has been happening in Catalonia since late 2017 and how this is affecting the world of art. Given the situation we are experiencing, we want to question democracy and look at the role of art in this context.

The Institut del Teatre witnessed the 1 October events directly and emotionally. The building was the polling station of the referendum and both our community and the neighbours got deeply involved by calling for and enabling the exercise of the fundamental rights of citizens to express themselves and vote freely.

It is in this intimate, collective, diverse and complex context that the desire emerged to hold a lecture with four speakers. The idea has been developed by four names related to the world of culture, very particularly the performing arts. Moreover, we have requested the collaboration of diverse professionals who, with their opinions and reflections, have contributed a plural and rich vision of the complex events that have taken place in our country over the last year and a half.

Based on 1 October and our experience, the journey begins. Magda Puyo, theatre director and current Director General of the Institut del Teatre, encourages us to create from the most absolute freedom regardless of censorships, threats or repressions.

Bibiana Puigdefàbregas, scenographer, and Marta Rafa, costume designer, curators of Catalonia at the PQ19, introduce the reflections on the role of art in relation to the events that were unleashed after the referendum.

And Joan Maria Minguet, contemporary art and cinema critic and historian, looking at the current artistic activity in Catalonia and the response of the Spanish state which uses legislative power as brute force and a framework of contention, calls for the need of a critical, combative and committed art. Because if art, the performing arts and scenography are not understood as conflict they become privilege.

© 2019 – Equip Audiovisuals. Institut del Teatre




He is professor at the Department of Art and Musicology at the UAB. Specialist in artistic avant-gardes, especially about Joan Miró and Salvador Dalí. He commissioned more than 15 exhibitions and published more than 30 books. He has been the president of the Catalan association of art critics and regularly publishes in the press articles thinking art and culture as a weapon for social transformation.



Graduated in Dramatic Art at Institut del Teatre (IT).  Autor of more than fifty stage designs working with directors as Alex Rigola, Ramon Simó, Carol López and Magda Puyo. Presently working as well in designing temporary exhibitions. She teaches Stage Design in the IT since 2007, where she has been the head of Scenography Departement from 2013 till 2017.



Degree in Philosophy and Education (UB), and Acting and Dance Studies.  Member of the Arts Council of the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya (1998-2001) and Artistic Director of the Sitges Festival Teatre Internacional-Creació Contemporània (2001-2004). Teacher of Theater Directing and Acting at Institut del Teatre, where she is the General Director since 2015. Currently, she also develops his activity as Theater Director in public and private theaters.



Graduated in Dramatic Art at Institut del Teatre (IT), Fashion Design at the Escola d’Arts i Tècniques de la Moda and in Art History by Universitat de Barcelona (UB). She’s currently studying a Master’s Degree in Advanced Studies in Art History at the UB. Author of more than sixty costume designs, she has worked with stage directors such as Alex Rigola, Carlota Subirós, Marc Chornet, Toni Casares or Magda Puyo. She teaches Costume Design in the IT since 2010, where she was heat of the Stage Design Department from 2013 till 2015.

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The authors


He is professor at the Department of Art and Musicology at the UAB. Specialist in artistic avant-gardes, especially about Joan Miró and Salvador Dalí. He commissioned more than 15 exhibitions and published more than 30 books. He has been the president of the Catalan association of art critics and regularly publishes in the press articles thinking art and culture as a weapon for social transformation.



Graduated in Dramatic Art at Institut del Teatre (IT).  Autor of more than fifty stage designs working with directors as Alex Rigola, Ramon Simó, Carol López and Magda Puyo. Presently working as well in designing temporary exhibitions. She teaches Stage Design in the IT since 2007, where she has been the head of Scenography Departement from 2013 till 2017.



Degree in Philosophy and Education (UB), and Acting and Dance Studies.  Member of the Arts Council of the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya (1998-2001) and Artistic Director of the Sitges Festival Teatre Internacional-Creació Contemporània (2001-2004). Teacher of Theater Directing and Acting at Institut del Teatre, where she is the General Director since 2015. Currently, she also develops his activity as Theater Director in public and private theaters.



Graduated in Dramatic Art at Institut del Teatre (IT), Fashion Design at the Escola d’Arts i Tècniques de la Moda and in Art History by Universitat de Barcelona (UB). She’s currently studying a Master’s Degree in Advanced Studies in Art History at the UB. Author of more than sixty costume designs, she has worked with stage directors such as Alex Rigola, Carlota Subirós, Marc Chornet, Toni Casares or Magda Puyo. She teaches Costume Design in the IT since 2010, where she was heat of the Stage Design Department from 2013 till 2015.