PROSPECTIVE ACTIONS (Catalunya 2004-2018)


If performative strategies are constantly enacted by states to sustain their power structures, we also see an increasing number of resistance actions being deployed by grassroots movements that rely on alternative performances of spaces and bodies, and which can inspire and challenge stage design.

Prospective Actions (Catalunya 2004-2018) is a participative multimedia installation that approaches this question in relation to six social conflicts that took place in Catalonia in the last 15 years and that showcase a heightened tension between police control and the opening up of new forms of using and producing the public space. We invited six Catalan scenographers who started working in the nineties to help us think about these conflicts, as well as about the position of arts in terms of political struggles and the interweaving between studio and street. A big round table becomes a board game, a stage for potential actions and a meeting point between two generations, separated by the breakout of the financial crisis and its impact on life, work conditions and worldviews.

– Dossier Prospective Actions


Laura Clos «Closca», Pau Masaló, Xesca Salvà i Marc Villanueva
Creators and designers of the installation

© 2019 – Equip Audiovisuals. Institut del Teatre

PROSPECTIVE ACTIONS (Catalunya 2004-2018)

PROSPECTIVE ACTIONS (Catalunya 2004-2018)

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