Establishing a chronology of everything that has happened since 1-O at an artistic level would have been totally unachievable. This is why we have looked at a series of actions from the world of art that have emerged as a result of that event and the reactions of the Spanish state in this respect. We are aware that it is incomplete but we think that it amply explains the current Catalan context marked by lack of liberties and rights.

To enrich this exercise in observation and reflection we have invited different voices from the field of art, culture, social activism and thought. Dolors Miquel is a poetess and participated in the Proclamations of Freedom promoted by the digital newspaper Vilaweb.

Jordi Borràs is a photojournalist specialised in national emancipation movements and far-right movements.

David Fernàndez is a journalist, social activist and member of the art group Ovidi4.

Pep Duran is a scenographer and participated in the exhibition 55 Ballot Boxes for Freedom.

Laia Alsina Ferrer is a dramaturge and theatre director; her company El Martell advocates a political, engaged and free theatre.

And Xavier Antich, a philosopher and professor at the University of Girona. We’ve invited him to discuss concepts such as democracy, censorship, self-censorship and freedom of expression.

We would like to thank all of them for their generosity and involvement.

© 2019 – Equip Audiovisuals. Institut del Teatre



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