Lola Belles / Sergi Cerdan / Sara Espinosa / Lluc Ubach

The creators of the installation Theáomai are a group of 4th year students at the Institut del Teatre. Lola Belles, Sergi Cerdan and Sara Espinosa are Scenography students, and Lluc Ubach is a student of Stage Directing and Dramaturgy. They met at the school while sharing subjects and courses.

All four have other very diverse training. Sara and Sergi are musicians, Lola is a designer and Lluc is an illustrator. From this variety of backgrounds they share the same way of understanding theatre; a field where the creative processes are not pigeonholed, where the limit of language they explore is no more than the limit of their theatre universe in a constant process of discovery.

Beyond the curricular projects, they share artistic concerns and reflections that they have already had the chance to experiment with in their own extra academic projects that gradually give them a distinctive voice as a creative group. Before this participation in the Prague Quadrennial, the group created Dramatúrgies de l’ull compost, an installation based on Kafka’s novel Das Schloss.

© 2019 - Equip Audiovisuals. Institut del Teatre



Lola Belles Sampera

Born in El Masnou (Barcelona). Graduated in Interior Design at the Massana School in Barcelona (2008). In 2011 she specialised in Commercial Interior Design and Visual Merchandising at the Ártidi School in Barcelona

In 2013 she complemented her studies with the bachelor’s degree in Scenography at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. She currently works as a costume designer and scenographer in theatre. Her concern in her work is how the relationship between the space and costume with the body can change how actors perform.


Sergi Cerdan Aguado

Born in Barcelona in 1987. Graduate in Interior Design from EINA School (Barcelona) and specialised in museography, exhibitions and ephemeral spaces at Croquis S.A. (as an intern designer). He complemented his studies with the bachelor’s degree in Scenography at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona and the Kunst Universität Graz. He currently works designing lighting, costumes and spaces for both theatre and dance, with a special interest where the audience can have an active and participatory role. Some examples of his work can be seen at:


Sara Espinosa Pérez

Born in Barcelona in 1992. She is now finishing her bachelor’s degree in Scenography at the Institut del Teatre (Barcelona). She complements her costume design studies at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia. She studied art history at the University of Barcelona. She has recently participated in performing projects on collective memory, such as A la Filatura or the documentary theatre piece Tierras del Sur. Find out more about her work at

Lluc Ubach Corpas

Born in Barcelona in 1977. Graduate in Psychology from the UAB with a degree in Illustration from La Massana School. In 2014 he complemented his studies with the bachelor’s degree in Stage Direction and Dramaturgy at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. He currently works as a dramaturge and writer. His interests range from the comic, narrative, theatre, poetry and all kinds of fiction, especially fiction created in real time.

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The authors of Theáomai

Lola Belles Sampera

Born in El Masnou (Barcelona). Graduated in Interior Design at the Massana School in Barcelona (2008). In 2011 she specialised in Commercial Interior Design and Visual Merchandising at the Ártidi School in Barcelona

In 2013 she complemented her studies with the bachelor’s degree in Scenography at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. She currently works as a costume designer and scenographer in theatre. Her concern in her work is how the relationship between the space and costume with the body can change how actors perform.


Sergi Cerdan Aguado

Born in Barcelona in 1987. Graduate in Interior Design from EINA School (Barcelona) and specialised in museography, exhibitions and ephemeral spaces at Croquis S.A. (as an intern designer). He complemented his studies with the bachelor’s degree in Scenography at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona and the Kunst Universität Graz. He currently works designing lighting, costumes and spaces for both theatre and dance, with a special interest where the audience can have an active and participatory role. Some examples of his work can be seen at:


Sara Espinosa Pérez

Born in Barcelona in 1992. She is now finishing her bachelor’s degree in Scenography at the Institut del Teatre (Barcelona). She complements her costume design studies at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia. She studied art history at the University of Barcelona. She has recently participated in performing projects on collective memory, such as A la Filatura or the documentary theatre piece Tierras del Sur. Find out more about her work at

Lluc Ubach Corpas

Born in Barcelona in 1977. Graduate in Psychology from the UAB with a degree in Illustration from La Massana School. In 2014 he complemented his studies with the bachelor’s degree in Stage Direction and Dramaturgy at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. He currently works as a dramaturge and writer. His interests range from the comic, narrative, theatre, poetry and all kinds of fiction, especially fiction created in real time.